The Sound And The Fury Character Analysis

At the same time he relives memories of his youth most of which have to do with caddy.
The sound and the fury character analysis. For each quote you can also see the other characters and themes related to it each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon like this one. The sound and the fury was written and is set in the postbellum american south in the period after reconstruction 1865 77. Benjy cannot understand any abstract concepts such as time cause and effect or right and wrong he merely absorbs visual and auditory cues from the world around him. Benjy s primary attribute is that he can sense things.
Compson and mother of the four. The sound and the fury a moaning speechless idiot benjy is utterly dependent upon caddy his only real source of affection. At this critical moment in american history the south was in the process of redefining itself and its values in the absence of slavery. Its subject is the downfall of the compson family the offspring of the pioneer jason lycurgus compson.
The the sound and the fury quotes below are all either spoken by candace caddy compson or refer to candace caddy compson. All page numbers and. Benjy accompanies luster as he searches for a quarter to go to the circus that night. Read an in depth analysis of jason compson iii.
He is a reminder of the suffering that both the compson family and the south endured. Jason compson iii the father of the family a cynical philosophical man who spends all day drinking whiskey and reading greek and roman literature instead of caring for his children or working. Character analysis benjy benjy is the youngest child of the compsons and was originally named maury after mrs. Benjy s role within the compson family and within the sound and the fury is to represent unity both in the familial sense and within the context of the novel since southerners desired to unite pre civil war ideals with the present time.
Compson is the father of quentin caddy jason iv and benjy and the husband of caroline. Compson renamed him benjamin so that the bascomb name would not be disgraced. Dilsey gibson the black cook whose task it is to bring order out of the sound and fury created by the compsons. Many critics and even faulkner himself think that it is the best novel that he wrote.
The head of the compson household until his death from alcoholism in 1912. When it was apparent that he was mentally slow mrs. Dilsey s sons who are benjy s keepers during the earlier parts of benjy s life. The self pitying and self absorbed wife of mr.
The sound and the fury summary april seventh 1928.